Thursday, November 7, 2013

PHOTOS: Want To Satisfy Her In Bed? Women Get Turned On When You Touch THESE Parts Of Her Body

PHOTOS: Want To Satisfy Her In Bed? Women Get Turned On When You Touch THESE Parts Of Her Body

Expand your repertoire: When it comes to arousal levels, women say the nape of their neck is more erogenous than their breasts, finds a new study.
That certainly doesn't mean you should avoid her breasts altogether. But there's a lot of middle ground when it comes to erogenous zones—meaning you should switch up your foreplay to maximize her pleasure.
Ready to test your knowledge on her favorite places to be touched? Check out what women (and men) had to say when they were asked to rate each body part in terms of level of arousal.

Why Some Women Cannot Enjoy Sex

Why Some Women Cannot Enjoy Sex

My wife is sexually frigid. There is nothing I do sexually that moves her. Please help me, I am getting frustrated. What can we do?
Mr. Jones

Sexual frigidity can be a problem in marriage, but this article will go a long way in helping to educate the likes of Mr. Jones and his wife.
According to the Oxford Advanced Learner dictionary, frigidity in women is the lack of the ability to enjoy sex. With about 7 billion people on earth and over half of this number being women, it is not impossible some women are born physically incapable of experiencing orgasm. When a woman finds it impossible to experience orgasm or enjoy sex, the problem is usually emotionally caused and not physically induced. That is why it has been said that a woman’s greatest sex organ is her mind. There is no reason why every woman should not have regular and frequent orgasms, if she wants to. No psychiatrist has ever seen a woman with this condition who was raised by loving parents in a warm, secure family environment. Most women who suffer from orgasmic impairment suffered serious emotional deprivation during childhood and after.
It has been discovered that women raised by loving and caring parents usually enjoy the pleasure of lovemaking more than those raised by cruel and unloving parents. This is so because the warm father-daughter love relationship experienced during a girl’s formative stage plays a very important role in whom she grows to become. That is why every father must open his heart and his arm to his daughter at all times, and this I can say, is strange to the norms in Africa, where the girl-child is seen as “her mother’s child” while the male-child is embraced and cuddled by the father.
As a father, opening your heart and your arm to your girl-child now will not only help to build her self-worth and give her a sense of belonging, it will also inform the kind of relationship she will have in the future with her husband and children. Every time a father engages in acts that can turn his daughter off from him, he is sowing a negative seed into her future. Fathers need to know that they are the first contact their daughters have of the opposite sex. Whatever they believe of you is what they will believe of every man including their future husbands.
Sexual frigidity is usually a result of emotional withdrawal from the opposite sex that can be well developed by the time a girl is six years. Cold, selfish fathers are the greatest cause of cold, frigid women.
Dealing with a frigid wife
Frigidity in women can be overcome with great determination on their part and with tender loving care from their husband. A man with a frigid wife must know it is not by her making that she is that way, and also know that his wife’s rejection of him is not about him but a carryover from childhood. She is the way she is because of the nasty treatment she got from her father and therefore, in order to help her, he must do all to prove to her that he loves her and that he is not like her father.
This is definitely a task that requires some patience.  Every action should be kind and tender. Avoid raising your voice at her because this will only remind her of how her father treated her in the past as a child, and make her see a similarity in you and her father, and convincing her that you are different will be difficult. Treat her with dignity and respect both in the public and private, and gradually she will come out of her cocoon. And once her mind becomes cleared, her body will be responsive.
Why get married at all when you know you are frigid?
This is a common question husbands of women suffering from frigidity ask their wives, but such men need to know that many of these women are not even aware they have such a problem. In fact, many of such women were eager to get married because they wanted to get away from their fathers and because they were in search of the love they missed at home. They find themselves in marriage before they realise they are unable to open themselves up and receive the love of their husbands. And many times, they have no clue as to why it is so. They just believe they are so because that is who they are made to be. It takes a psychiatrist or somebody knowledgeable in this field to open their eyes to the root of their problem and when this is done, the problem is half solved.
What if as a woman I don’t like sex and I don’t even want to like it?
This is most likely a result of your resentment for your father which has now been transferred to your husband. Over the years, because of your experience with your father and what you have come to believe of men, you have built a shell of psychological self-protection around yourself and this has stifled your natural flow of emotions, making you a selfish person that is only concerned about herself, incapable of receiving and giving love. And this of course is not the way God designs us to live. By the law of cause and effect, whatever you do not sow you cannot attract. The truth is, if you do not make serious effort in changing your stand, it may cost you your home. This is because this kind of attitude, rather than protect us, hurts us the more. Emotional self-protection doesn’t really keep you from being hurt, for it wounds everyone you love and consequently you yourself.
Apart from the above reason for sexual frigidity in women, a good number of women may also experience what I call secondary sexual frigidity. This occurs over a particular period in life when they suffer emotional trauma as a result of happenings in their lives such as uncaring attitude of their spouses, or neglect from their spouse over the years. Thus, they close up emotionally, and resent anything call sex. And since sex is a thing of the mind, it becomes impossible for them to enjoy it.

Ladies, 12 Steps To Make Him Love You

Ladies, 12 Steps To Make Him Love You

The fact is, the course of true love never runs smooth, so here’s a few tips to ensure he falls for you as much as you have for him.
1. Eye Him:
Not of your breasts or bottom or any other body part, but of your eyes. Locking eyes with a guy doesn’t just tell him you’re interested, it can even make him feel like he’s falling in love with you. Why? Because it’s the behaviour of loved-up couples. By encouraging him to gaze into your eyes by maintaining eye contact with him, you can lead his brain towards the idea of love.
2. Be Like Him
There’s no need to start shaving your chin or scratching between your legs, but focusing on the ways in which you’re alike can help create a mutual attraction. We may not realise it, but we have a natural tendency to go for people who not only have similar interests and backgrounds to us, but also use similar facial expressions. Researchers found that we’re more likely to go for people who look similar to us because we perceive certain facial attributes as clues to personality. Laughter lines, frown lines, wide smiles, restrained expressions are all indications of what a person is like – sociable, friendly, shy, emotional – so we seek out people who look as though they’d be compatible with us.
3. But Don’t Go Too Far
The reason for this one is simple: he’ll know, you’ll know and it doesn’t bode well for the future. Adapting your behaviour slightly is one thing, but faking aspects of your personality or pretending you’re really into golf, when in fact it bores you brainless, will just lead to trouble. Sometimes, however, you might find yourself enjoying things you didn’t before simply because you hadn’t tried them and that’s fine. So feel free to try the things he does, but if it doesn’t feel like a good fit, drop it. Instead, encourage him to try doing the things you enjoy and see how that works.
4. Hang Around A Lot
This sounds counter-intuitive but it’s not. Familiarity doesn’t breed contempt (unless he doesn’t like you in the first place, in which you’re kind of doomed, sorry). In fact, the more time you spend together, the more he’ll like you. Advertising works in part because it repeatedly exposes you to a particularly product. It’s the same with people – the more time you spend together, taking for granted that there’s some mutual attraction to begin with, the more you’ll grow to like each other.
5. Now Disappear
Okay, not off the face off the earth, but just enough to remind him how much he loves spending time with you. New couples often go through a stage where they’re living in each other’s pockets. Then there might come a period where the excited feelings level out. Before that happens, take a step back and be a little less available. Spend more time with your friends (they’ve been feeling neglected anyhow!), see your family, work late a few nights. This isn’t about game playing but it’ll give you a greater sense of control of your own emotions, and help to heighten his.
6. Ask For His Help
We all like to feel needed. The reason is simple: if someone needs to ask youradvice, needs you to help them shift a bed, needs you to make them feel better, helping them makes you feel good about yourself. Feeling needed can also make someone insecure feel safe – after all, if you need him, you’re less likely to run off with some other guy, right? In this day and age when women are fiercely independent, a man can feel less able to give her what she needs – other than sex, what does he have to offer? So by relying on him a little – and letting him rely on you too – you’re allowing the bond between you to deepen. A good step towards falling in love.
7. Be Confident Too
Yes, guys like to feel needed. No, they don’t want to feel as though you might collapse into a boneless snivelling heap if they’re not around. A woman who knows what she likes and makes every effort to get it is very attractive. In fact, when a woman like that needs a man it makes him feel all the more valuable – because it’s as though she needs him specifically, rather than just any old guy.
8. Have A Laugh
More than wanting to be seen as strong, clever or tough, men want to be the funny one. And the reason is simple: women love a man who makes them laugh. When people seem to be enjoying our entertaining banter, it makes us feel confident. And that, in turn, makes us feel good, sexy even. If, each time you see a guy, you leave him feeling great about himself, he’ll begin to associate that feeling with you. You’re halfway to making him fall in love with you.
9. Be A Good Friend
This one should be a no-brainer but for some reason it often gets ignored. Playinghard to get, teasing him, acting fragile are all ways you can try and ‘trick’ a man into a kind of love. But the fact is that if you want a man to care about you deeply, friendship is the key. At work, with friends, men are often ‘on guard’, being competitive and so on. When they’re with you, they need to feel safe – gameplaying might help hook a guy in the first place, but it gets extremely tiring. Being supportive, listening to him, making him laugh, helping him feel good about himself and life in general – these are the things that make him really value you. And the more he values you, the more he loves you.
10. Feed Him
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It’s such a cliché and it feels pretty sexist too. Why should a woman have to feed her man? And why can’t he feed YOU grapes instead? Well, the fact is everyone – man, woman, dog or cat – loves to be fed. This isn’t something that’s peculiar to men, but it is a sure-fire way to make anyone feel loved. It’s about being taken care of, partly, but it’s also because being hungry for food is such a basic primal thing. If someone brings you a freshly prepared platter of tongue-tingling delights is it any wonder we love them more?
11. Love Him
Love is a two-way thing. You can’t expect him to love you if you don’t really love him in the first place. What does that mean? Sometimes we want someone to fall in love with us because we need to feel wanted, but in reality, we’re not actually in love with the person ourselves. Ask yourself how you feel about this guy. Do you accept him for who he is? Value him and the fact he’s in your life? Do you appreciate all that he does for you? Feel as though he’s your best friend, someone you can rely on in all things? If not, you may just be wishing to be loved without being willing to love yourself. But the two go hand in hand.
12. Love Yourself
This is both the first and the last step in getting a guy to fall for you. Because if you don’t truly love yourself, he will find it difficult to fall in love with you. Think of yourself as the number one prize – because to the right person that’s exactly what you are. To get to feel that good about yourself you need to learn to appreciate all the good things you have to offer. And by that we don’t mean your bootilicious behind, your come-to-bed eyes or any other thing you can see in the mirror. It’s also not about the new and expensive things in your wardrobe, your skills at work or the fact you can Azonto better, it’s about loving who you are as a person. Knowing yourself, knowing that you’re sociable, witty, kind, insightful, cool under pressure, empathetic, whatever, is the first step in loving yourself. Then let him see your best attributes as often as you can. Put yourself in situations where you can shine and he’ll soon see the light.

Top Ten Ways To Use Your Legs For Better Sex

Top Ten Ways To Use Your Legs For Better Sex

You may not know this, but every body part has the potential to maximise pleasure during sex, for instance, your legs.
Most people don’t know how you can use your legs in different ways during sex to enhance sensation for yourself and for your partner. So, next time instead of letting them just lie there or dangle off the bed, use these tips to steam things up in the bedroom with those sexy pins.
Squeeze for pleasure - During the act if your man is on top, squeeze your legs together as this will tighten the fit and increase pleasure. However, make sure to keep your pelvic region relaxed, so he can enter you easily.
One leg up - Steam up things between the sheets by drawing your knee to your chest during missionary. By doing this, he has more chances of hitting your g-spot. Start with one leg and you could experiment with both to see how it feels.
Hook and cook - Standing sex can be a lot of fun once in a while. But, we know how uncomfortable things can get. Make things snug and pleasurable by hooking one of your legs around his thigh. Orgasm guaranteed.
Rise and shine - This position is really simple and very enjoyable. All you have to do is lie on your back and keep your feet flat on the bed. Just when he is about to enter you, lift your hips into a bridge position. This position also gives you an upper hand and you can guide him properly. Are you ready to try this one tonight?
Use your thighs - Which guy will refuse a lap dance? It drives most men crazy! He’s definitely going to love this move. Just ask him to sit on a chair, facing him, rest your hands on the back of the chair. Now, straddle one of his upper legs and rub and caress his inner thighs with yours.
Spread it nice - Yes, you have to spread your legs during sex. But, have you tried spreading them during doggie position? Well, next time spread your legs extra wide to give him a good view. This also enhances sensation.
Leggy signals - The simple gesture of opening your legs can be extremely powerful. It is a subtle way of inviting him in. You could do it casually with your clothes on or in bed. Give him the open invitation by sexily and slowly opening your legs when he is watching.
Dress them up - There’s something really sexy about stockings, don’t you think? Dress your legs with sexy stockings and stilettos to create visual appeal. You could also sexily remove your stockings while he’s watching you and watch him go crazy.
The butterfly position - Increase your oral pleasure by spreading your legs wide when he’s going down on you. This gives him more area to work on and increases the sensation.
Clean finish - This move is the easiest and works extremely well. During missionary, open your legs just when you’re about to finish. This move will give you a better chance of dual orgasm.
Go try it!